Category Exercises

Movement Complex 3 Downward Dog into Cobra (x5 reps) World's Greatest Stretch (x5 each side) 90/90 Hip Roll (x5 each leg) Rollover into Stand (x5-10 reps) Reverse Lunge (x5 each ...
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Exercise of the Month - Lateral Core Following on from our anterior core series, these next four videos will look at strengthening the lateral core (or the side) - starting ...
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Movement Complex 2 Cossack Squats (x5 each side) Squat Stretch with Rotation (x5 each side) Pike Leg Swings (x5 each leg) Thoracic Bridge (x5 each side) Groiners (x5 each side) ...
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Exercise of the Month - Kettle-Bell Swing The kettle-bell swing is a staple in throughout many gyms but is all too often performed poorly, putting the individual at risk. Prior ...
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Movement Complex 1 Full Body Circles (x5 each side) Reverse Lunge (x5 each leg) Sit to Stand (x10 reps) Rollover into Abductor Stretch (x5-10 reps) Pendulums (x5 each side) Crab ...
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Exercise of the Month - Anterior Core Developing the anterior core is an essential part of the training process and should focus heavily in training programs, particularly with beginners - ...
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